N25 Remedial Works Contract

Civil Engineering / Road Networks / Structures

Remedial works on the local road network which is to be handed over to the Local Authority on completion of all defects.

Project Description

Celtic Roads Group (N25) DAC (CRG)
McCurdy Associates Consulting Engineers Ltd
N25 Waterford

Key Elements

  • Repairs to structures, including remedial works to resolving cracks, honeycombing, spalling and installing vandal guards, security doors and access steps
  • Earthworks – repair sections of slipped embankment
  • Repairs to structural joints including drainage channels
  • Resurfacing works including replacing studs and roadmarkings
  • Topsoiling, cleaning and landscaping works to a number of verges and replacing a bund
  • Repairs to fencing in a number of locations
  • Repairs to footpaths and islands