N7 Naas Road Widening & Interchanges Scheme
Civil Engineering / River/Marine / Road Construction & Enabling Works / Structures / Utilities / Water & Waste Water
Upgrade of 14km of dual carriageway to 3 lane carriageway, the construction of 16km of local roads, 4 No. new grade separated interchanges and upgrade works to 2 other interchanges.
Project Description
Kildare County Council
Roughan O'Donovan
Halcrow Barry
N7 Kildare/Dublin
Key Elements
- Full road construction for 16km of local single lane carriageways with cycle and pedestrian facilities
- Full road drainage of varying types and pipe sizes, construction of attenuation systems and the installation of 15 No. box culverts of varying sizes
- Upgrade works to existing roundabouts, traffic calming ramps, resurfacing, public lighting, footpaths and parking areas
- Full pavement construction, overlays and strengthening works completed on various sections/Large scale earthworks to construct the interchanges with extensive bulk movements of material in cut and fill operations
- Liaison with Utility Providers and diversion, protection and installation of services including watermains, foul sewers, eircom, gas mains, electricity and communication ducting diversions
- Extensive traffic management to maintain local access and two lanes of traffic in both directions at all times
- Design and construction including temporary works, of 4 No. precast concrete road bridges and 2 No. footbridges with all associated foundation and abutment works, parapet railings and enclosures
- Installation of portal frame and cantilever gantries and extensive road signage
- Award of the first CEEQUAL award in Ireland for the Environmental Management of the Scheme, obtaining a Very Good grade in conjunction with the Client