Mariavilla – Contract 1 Maynooth
Civil Engineering / Active Travel / Public Realm / Road Construction & Enabling Works / Utilities / Water & Waste Water
The Project involves the construction of a single carriageway road including roadway, cycle-paths, footpaths and verges. The works include construction of a new signalised junction to the Moyglare Road and improvements and realignment of a section of the Moyglare Road.
Project Description
Cairn PLC
DBFL Consulting Engineers
Maynooth, Co. Kildare
Key Elements
- Site clearance and demolition works
- Temporary Traffic Management both for pedestrian and vehicular traffic on the Moyglare road
- Liaising with Kildare County Council to obtain the T2 (Road Opening) Licences
- Earthworks and drainage for the new road and the associated tanks and attenuation ponds for the new development
- Full pavement construction works for the new road carriageway, footpaths and segregated cycletracks
- Installation of all utilities including gas, eir, power, communications, foul sewer, watermain and public lighting network
- Construction of both the link road to be taken in charge by KCC, as well as some of the development internal road and upgrades to the existing Moyglare road
- Installation of a new signalised junction on the Moyglare road
- Completion of all landscaping works
- Installation of 3 no. culverts and a pedestrian bridge