M8/M11 Gantry Design and Build Project

Civil Engineering / Road Networks / Structures

Design and construction of 12 No. steel cantilever gantries over 2 No. motorways.

Project Description

National Roads Authority (TII)
Roughan O'Donovan
M8(Cashel)/M11 (Wicklow)

Key Elements

  • Construction of reinforced concrete bases for all gantries
  • Coordination of concurrent multiple crews at multiple sites for both the construction of the bases and installation of the gantries
  • Complex traffic management on 2 No. motorways required to construct the bases in the verge and lane closures required for the erection of the gantries
  • Installation of all sign faces on the gantries and a number of low level verge signs
  • Protection and diversion of all services during the works
  • Liaising with Local Authorities and the Emergency Services to coordinate the traffic management plans