M4/N4 Gantry Design and Build Project
Civil Engineering / Road Networks / Structures
Design and construction of 25 No. steel gantries, both cantilever and portal structures over dual carriageway and motorway traffic and the installation of 10 no. low level verge signs.
Project Description
National Roads Authority (TII)
Roughan O'Donovan
N4(Mullingar)/M4 Kildare
Key Elements
- Construction of reinforced concrete bases for all gantries
- Coordination of concurrent multiple crews at multiple sites for both the construction of the bases and installation of the gantries
- Complex traffic management on high speed carriageways required to construct the bases in both the verge and the median as well as road and lane closures required for the erection of the gantries
- Installation of all sign faces on the gantries and a number of low level verge signs
- Protection and diversion of all services during the works
- Liaising with Local Authorities and the Emergency Services to coordinate the traffic management plans