Avonbeg Road Cycle Scheme
Civil Engineering / Active Travel / Parks / Public Realm / River/Marine / Road Construction & Enabling Works / Utilities
This scheme was constructed to upgrade the pedestrian and cyclist facilities along this section of road to provide a link to the nearby school.
Project Description
South Dublin County Council
South Dublin County Council
Avonbeg Road, Tallaght
Key Elements
- Design and implementation of temporary traffic management to maintain access for motorists, pedestrians, cyclists and other road users
- Construction of new shared surface in bituminous surfacing
- Alterations to the existing road alignment and associated drainage alterations
- Installation of new public lighting for the length of the scheme
- Installation of new communications ducting
- Resurfacing of the existing carriageway
- Installation of new road signs and road markings
- Extensive landscaping and root protection systems installed as part of the works