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Leopardstown Link Road & Roundabout Reconfiguration
Removal of the existing Leopardstown Roundabout and replacement with a signalised junction. The project also included the construction of a new link road to provide…
Grange Castle – Access Road
Construction of new access road within Grange Castle Business Park to allow for construction of a new data centre.
Liffey Valley Junction Improvement Works
Upgrading of the pedestrian, cyclist and vehicular facilities at the junctions and roundabouts surrounding the Liffey Valley Shopping Centre to allow for future expansion.
UCD Foul Sewer Expansion & Utility Works
Installation of new services within the UCD campus to facilitate expansion and building works.
Grange Castle Business Park South – Construction of Access Road
Construction of 650m of carriageway to provide a new access to Grange Castle Business Park.
R680 Green Route Phase 1D
Realignment of 1km of the existing urban R680 including the construction of a new roundabout at Gladstone Street.
Coillte Threerock Mast & Communications Site
Construction of a new compound, mast base for a 65m lattice tower structure, communications building and all associated site works within the forest boundary.
M9 Kilcullen Motorway Service Area
Construction of grade separated junction on the existing M9 Motorway to provide access to a proposed Motorway Service Station.
Ballymore Eustace Sludge Treatment Plant
Construction of a new Sludge Treatment Facility within the Ballymore Eustace Water Treatment Plant.
Ongar Castaheany Cycle Network Scheme
Installation of a shared surface and designated footpaths and cycletracks in 6 No. locations around the villages of Ongar and Castaheany approaching a number of…
Burton Hall Road Extension
Widening and reconstruction of Burton Hall Road and the construction of a link road to the Leopardstown Dual carriageway.
NRA Salt & Resilience Barn Kinnegad
Design and construction of a 3000m² salt and resilience barn, 250m² office block, service pit and workshop, and a 6500m² reinforced concrete yard.