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M7/M8 Pavement Works
This scheme was undertaken to repair damaged bridge joints at 3 locations on the M8 motorway and resurfacing of a junction off the M7 motorway.
Dodder Flood Alleviation Works
The project involved raising parapets on bridge to improve levels of flood protection and ancillary site works.
Leixlip Dam Upstream Gabion Remediation Works
The project was undertaken to re-mediate existing gabions which were beginning to fail.
Leopardstown Link Road & Roundabout Reconfiguration
Removal of the existing Leopardstown Roundabout and replacement with a signalised junction. The project also included the construction of a new link road to provide…
Refurbishment of Beaver Row Footbridge
Removal of the existing Beaver Row Footbridge and central support column, restoration off site, followed by refitting on a new central foundation and repaired abutments.
Coillte Threerock Mast & Communications Site
Construction of a new compound, mast base for a 65m lattice tower structure, communications building and all associated site works within the forest boundary.
M9 Kilcullen Motorway Service Area
Construction of grade separated junction on the existing M9 Motorway to provide access to a proposed Motorway Service Station.
Refurbishment of Classons Bridge
Refurbishment of Classons Bridge, a stone arch bridge circa 1790 and widened in 1928. The widening consisted of cast insitu concrete decks with steel beams…
Dodder Valley Cycle Network Scheme
Construction of 1.65km of a 4m wide shared cycle track/footway through the Dodder Valley Park.
Rathdrum Sewerage Scheme and Arklow Water Supply Scheme
Arklow Water Supply Scheme consisted of the installation of ODPE 100 Watermain and electricity duct underneath the Dublin-Wexford Railway Line and 4.2km of ESB duct…
N7/N11/N25 Gantry Design and Build Project
Design and construction of 23 No. steel gantries, both cantilever and portal structures over dual carriageway traffic.
Fairview Footbridge Refurbishment Contract
Replacement of the existing steel truss deck with a tubular steel arch deck, replacement of the upper access ramp on the outbound side and refurbishment…