Offington Flood Relief Scheme
Civil Engineering / River/Marine / Utilities / Water & Waste Water
The project consisted of the upgrading of existing drainage to provide flood alleviation to an existing housing estate.
Project Description
Fingal County Council
Nicholas O'Dwyer
Offington & Carrickbrack Heath Housing Estates, Sutton, Co. Dublin
Key Elements
- Design and implementation of extensive traffic management to facilitate the installation of the new pipe network and maintain access to all dwellings in the estate and on the public road
- Installation of ductile iron pipeline 700mm in diameter and concrete pipes up to 750mm in diameter
- Connecting into the existing surface water drainage system and constructing a new outfall
- Installation of twinwall land drain pipes 450mm in diameter
- Overall installation of 1.8km of new drainage network
- Construction of all associated manholes varying in size from 1500 to 1800mm
- Reinstatement works carried out in concrete roadways, bituminous carriageways and concrete footpaths, all carried out in accordance with Fingal County Council specifications
- Reconstruction of boundary walls in varying materials and landscaping of all disturbed areas
- Liaising with local residents to update them on programme and carry out condition surveys in advance of the works